Blizzard Authenticator PC version – How to

Blizzard Authenticator adds an additional security layer for World of Warcraft and Startcraft games. It requires you to enter a code that changes every few seconds. The Authenticator is sold as a USB, iPhone App and an Android App.
While Blizzard has authenticator does not support PC and windows mobile phones, there is a java compatible app that is on sale on the Blizzard mobile store. In this tutorial we show you how to run this Java app on your computer.
How to run Blizzard Authenticator PC
First you will need the Java Blizzard Authenticator app, that can get bought for 1$ from Blizzard’s mobile store. It is not unique so if your friends have it, just get it from them.
Next we need a Java emulator, for this we will be using Midpx v 1.3.1 (download). This emulator works well because it converts the .jar app into an exe file that can be run from your desktop.
Save the Authenticator to your desktop. Right click on the file and choose Open With and select midpx2exe compiler. Select English as the language. On the next screen choose “This time. Ask me next time” and click ok.
You will now see a 14 digit serial number on the emulator screen. If you cannot see the 14 digits on the screen see the troubleshooting in the next part. Go to and add the authenticator by entering the serial (without hyphen) and the code shown.
You have successfully setup the authenticator on your WoW account ! You can start the emulator using the exe file that was created on your desktop. There will also be a new folder, DO NOT DELETE this folder as it saves the settings for the application. Make a backup of the exe file and folder so you do not loose it. Loosing it is the same as loosing a authenticator, you will have to call them to get it removed !
If you cannot see 14 digit serial number
There should be a new folder after running the Java emulator. There will be a single file inside this folder. Right click and open the file using notepad. You should find the serial number in this file. It will be something like EU-1234-1234-1234. This authenticator also works for US versions of the game.
You will also get an ingame mail from Blizzard along with a unique Core Hound pup mini pet ! Enjoy !
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August 26, 2010 at 8:30 am
@Ideon: If you are able to browse the files on your phone, you can find the Java key file from that version of the authenticator. It is called token.rms or
Copy that file to your PC and you can run WinAuth and do a “Load Authenticator…” selecting the file. You will then have a clone on your PC too.
You can get the WinAuth source code to build yourself, or binaries, from
August 9, 2010 at 7:48 am
i have the authenticator on my phone but thats all im using the phone for and i hate to recharge and stuff just for this if the phone battery dies i have to re-sync
i got one question though, i saved the adress u have to go to in order to get an authentication via WAP, so how can i download it to the desktop? my phone is a sony ericsson k810i and i also have a nokia 6124 classic…
August 1, 2010 at 5:33 am
There are now several native Windows versions around. Unfortunately most are closed binaries, so I uploaded an open-source version to Google code.
Whilst the hardware device is always preferred, and you should get that it you can, something is always better than nothing.
July 15, 2010 at 3:40 am
Dan Goodman
this is one of the great info i have came across with
Blizzard Authenticator PC version – How to
thanks for sharing :)
July 10, 2010 at 4:33 pm
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