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How to clean the keyboard

My keyboard is getting really dirty and its time for some spring cleaning ! Now why would you want to clean your keyboard like you aint go no other work ? Maybe this image from will give you some insight !

Why should I clean my keyboard ?

Things you need

  1. Cotton buds
  2. Soft cloth
  3. Cleaning liquid

Lets get started

  1. Turn off your computer and unplug the power.
  2. (Optional) If you have a vacuum cleaner or a air compressor, use it to blow any the dust and other debris that are below the keys.
  3. Wet the cotton buds with a few drops of cleaning fluid.
  4. Use the cotton bud to clean the sides of the keys and in between the keys. Be gentle !
  5. Spray from cleaning fluid on a soft cloth and wipe all the keys.

If you have one of those older keyboards, you can use a screwdriver to take out the keys so that you can clean them better. Do this only if you are sure that you keyboard has this ability.

  1. Or just stick the darn thing in the dishwasher. Take it out before the heat cycle, stand it on end and let it drain for sveral days and VOILA! Good as new.

    Don’t believe me? Try it with a keyboard that you don’t care about.

  2. This actually kinda works, although I’ll have to end up using 100’s of cue tips. I’m trying it now and the poor thing is raw black, ugh. That’s what you get for using a 10 year old keyboard, IBM ftw.
    Or you could buy one of those foldable keyboards made from Silicon that actually can be washed with soap and water.