Tech Blog, games, gadgets, reviews and more… – Create webpages and mashups easily

popfly logoA few days back, I stumbled upon a new addition to Microsoft’s online applicatinos family. This one is called Popfly, still in its beta stage though.

Popfly is a great service that lets you build webpages, gadgets and mashups without writing or knowing a single line of code !!

Microsoft uses its Silverlight platform enabling you to create mashups. A Mashup is a web application that combines the functionality of two or more websites. They can be added to the Vista sidebar, Facebook or Live Spaces. In this mashup, I have used Live image search to get images of Bangalore and then used the photostack function from another site to use the data. Simple isn’t it !!

Popfly mashup creation page

You can create webpages without editing html or CSS. Just choose from over 150 different themes, 10 styles, and 30 unique color themes to give your site a very personalized look. You can also add photos, RSS feeds and mashup you have created in popfly to the pages.

Make webpages in popfly

Good fun playing around with the mashup tools but I don’t have much time right now. If anyone knows how to use the mashup on websites, leave a comment please.