Witcher Vista Crash Fix – How to
I am sorry to post about a game fix here but I was horrified after…

Nokia 888 – Concept Phone
The Nokia 888 is still a concept phone but promises to be a hit amomg…

FileZilla – Open source FTP program
I have been using SmartFTP, it allows you to upload or download files one at…

Comodo Firewall Pro – The best free firewall
Continuing my search for more opensource / freeware for my laptop, I found Comodo Firewall…

Vista Tricks and Shortcuts
I have been experimenting with Vista and there are a few simple tricks and keyboard…

Returnil Virtual System – the best security program
Just browse a few websites and its almost certain you will find some spyware on…

Dell Inspiron 1520 – The best gaming laptop in India
For almost three months I was on a hunt to find a good gaming laptop…

GOMPlayer – Free media player
I have been using VLC Media Player for a long time now, while searching for…

GIMP – The opensource alternative to Photoshop
I have been using Photoshop for as long as I can remember. Since I am…

Start Azureus in advanced mode / classic view – How to
I use Azureus a lot to download torrents. One feature that irritates me a lot…