WoW TSM Gold Guide and Custom Price Settings

WoW Gold has become even more important since now we can pay for gametime using world of warcraft gold. So if we make enough gold every month we can play for free !
Making gold has been relatively simple if you use auctioneer or TradeSkillMaster addons. Both of them are quite good but over time TSM has proven to be simpler and quicker to use.
TSM can be a little tricky to set up initially but once it is done almost every aspect of buying and selling regular items can be automated in the world of warcraft auction house. TSM also lets you manage the mailbox, keeps a tab on items sold and show you current valuation for an item from multiple sources. This is extremely useful as you can make an informed choice of auction prices while buying and selling.
World of Warcraft TradeSkillMaster Gold Guide and Setup
TSM Items to sell
A lot of people talk about reselling transmog items but I would like to recommend that you stay away from that market for these reasons.
- Items take a long time to sell
- Collecting expired mails and putting up 400-600 items takes a lot of time
- High number of visits between mailbox and auction house.
- Risky
However I have found that throughout all the expansions one market has always been safe to play with.
Everyone wants BOE epics to start raiding or getting into heroics. Alts need them, there is always a demand. Buying epics at 30-55% of market value and reselling them at 90-150% of market value lets you make a ton of money. You will only have 50-200 auctions up at max so takes only a few minutes to setup and make a lot of money.
If you have any tips or strategies, leave a comment and share with us.